Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Silly Silly Landon

My son is so funny! He is constantly making Abbie, Mike and I laugh. All day long, he follows Abbie around and does everything she does. It is so funny to watch him try to do jumping jacks, dance, do cartwheels and whatever else Abs is attempting at the moment. Today it was dressing up. Abbie had a friend over and they were playing up in her room (of course Landon was up there too). After awhile they came down and Landon had stripped off all of his clothes (down to the onesie) and had on the cowboy hat and commenced to do a dance in the living room. It was hysterical. Abbie and I were laughing so hard. I am so grateful for this little guy. He really brightens my day. Love you buddy!


Jenny said...


Harmony said...

Erin, he is so cute! What a little boy he has turned into. Cant wait for you to come!