Thursday, November 29, 2007

Why is it that whenever Mike and I get an idea in our heads of doing something that we think our kids will enjoy, we don't remember all the other times that the thought and the outcome don't really match up? We did it yet again. We had the great idea of putting up the Christmas tree which, ok we were gonna do anyway, but thought that this year our kids would really like helping and think it was a really fun activity. Well, the only thing that Landon thought was fun was throwing Abbie's underwear and all of his dinosaurs on the tree while Mike and I were putting up the lights and Abbie thought it was more fun to watch shows, than to help, therefore we have the posed picture of her. She was threated with death to hang ornaments on the tree so that we could get some "cute pictures.' All of the ornaments ended up within the same two feet of each other and there are still decorations the boxes (that are still out mind you) that need to be put up. Will this all be worth it by December 26th? Merry freakin Christmas!


jandnrichards said...

Erin Landen and Cole think alike. Your tree looks great. I hope you are doing well.

Bear of Very Little Brain said...

sorry babe, i had to laugh though at how things recycle. it was JUST like this almost twenty-five years ago when you were Abbie's age and bored with the holiday stuff and you and brad (mostly) made such a dang mess. I cried! love the tree though, it's gorgeous, you and mike did great! Uh yeah, merry christmas!


Erin I must say I love the MERRY FREAKIN CHRISTMAS!!! That was GREAT and made me laugh! I have one better...Kace knocked down my whole( 7 1/2 ft )Tree today! Ornaments and ALL!!! That was real FUN, let me tell ya! HAPPY FREAKIN HOLIDAYS!

T J V said...

ah yes, i remember being threatened for christmas pictures, haha. v is not quite at that age yet, i am thanking my lucky stars he isn't crawling while the tree is up. but your tree and the lights outside look great. oh and also i love the toots comment, that made me laugh so hard i almost cried!

Harmony said...

I love your post and Mindy's comment. We do the same thing with are kids. We went to see Santa at the mall and all they did in line was fight, you would think with Santa right there they would be on there best behavior, no way! Merry Freakin' Christmas right back at ya!!

The Walkers said...

Hey, I tagged you in my blog. You should fill out the questions.