Tuesday, September 08, 2009

So, you know that feeling of happiness you get after cleaning your house all day?
Well, today I discovered something even better.

I left my house in shambles, and took my boys to the park. There is Nothing that beats this kind of happiness. (not even a clean kitchen)


Camie said...

Erin! I have 2 boys all day now too! We should get everyone together and do something fun. I would love that! 763-331-0616

Jenny said...

Omg, this made my day. Especially since Lando got a haircut. Such handsome boys! I miissss them!!

Hale-O There said...

Noah is so big- wow I thought he was Landon at first glance. I'm glad you got to go to the park. Were looking forward to seeing you.

McFam said...

HOW CUTE! They are so big, and you got such great pictures! I can't wait to see you guys . . .