Saturday, December 08, 2007

Wishing For Spring

Ok, so I know that it's only December 8th, but I'm done with Winter. The temperature gauge on my car this morning read -1 degree Farenheit and that was at 10:30, not like 6a.m. As I was bringing groceries in the house from the car all of my nose hairs froze and the kids desperately wanted to go sledding today, but we had to tell them no because it's just too cold. We literally can't be outside for more that 5-10 minutes before it's unbearable. The "locals" say this is unusual weather for this time of year. (I guess this stuff usually happens in February). I don't care if it's unusual or not...I'M DONE! Oh wait.....we have 3 more winters here in the North Pole. Someone help me.


The Walkers said...

I'm sorry you're so dang cold. It's been snowy and cold here and I've been feeling sorry for myself. Maybe it would help if you trimmed your nose hairs.

Bear of Very Little Brain said...

Bear, like Laura said! Ha. No kidding, you're gonna have to hibernate. Sorry - I can't even begin to tell you how glad I am for Georgia sunshine. I might have to put on capris today - high 83. Had to run the AC last night. Hang in there and think of me. And don't let the kids outdoors, they'll be popsicles.

I am Laura said...

that sucks. I would be sick of it too.

theSwensenFamily said...

Erin! At least it looks like Christmas at your place with all that fluffy snow! It is 80 degrees today in South Carolina and I'm dying from the heat! You would think that it was July around here! I'm jealous! Your house is so cute decorated with lights and I love the snow angels! We sure miss you guys! Love your blog!

Lindsey Swensen

jandnrichards said...

Erin you are going to hate me but i am jealous. I guess you always want what you can't have. Your kids and house look so cute.


Erin I need your address. I am really making an effort this year to get cards sent out. So if you get a minute please email me. My email is, incase you don't have it.

kp said...

Erin I stumbled onto your blog from someone else's and was sooo glad I did! I don't know if you even remember me from Cowtown Ohio, but it's Karen Pearon. We wondered whatever became of you guys and think about all the people spread all over the country we knew from the ward. Sorry you're turning into human ice-pops. At least it's courrier & ives-ish there. We have flashflooding going on this week, snow last week, and oh yeah- 1 day of 62 degree weather in the middle. Email me sometime at with your address and I'll send you some spare fleece or thermals or something :0)

Britt said...

I remember the first Chicago winter when my nose hairs froze. It was quite a surprise. I had no idea it could get that cold. I feel your pain!


OH, Erin I feel for you! That would blow a BIG ONE! I couldn't handle it either. You can thank Mike for that one!! It's always the guys fault, right! Take a HOT bath- that always warms me up! Miss you guys.